“…cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you and you shall eat the plants of the field.By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” – Bereishit/ Genesis 3:17b-19
I remember the first time I heard the words of the Torah
mentioned above. I was just a kid that couldn’t sit still to save her life but
all of a sudden I heard them loud and clear. Not from some angel or special
revelation as one might suspect, but through an old man than was reading these verses
in the most monotone voice you can ever imagine. Still, I heard them. And I remember thinking “Why curse the ground? The ground did
nothing wrong…” It all sounded like a break-up, so … final.
When I grew up and starting following after Adonai, I tried
to understand it for the longest time. One might say, ‘It’s plain as the day is
long what these verses mean, what didn’t you get?’ My dear all-knowing reader,
I think you’re expecting a more academic explanation than ‘because I’m slow’,
but that’s all I can tell you.
In Hebrew thought there are 4 ways of interpreting the meaning
of a text. Pshat (surface, simple, plain, direct meaning), Remez (hints,
hidden, or symbolic, beyond the literal meaning), Derash (inquire, seek –
finding similar occurrences) and Sod (secret – mystical meaning given through
While I did get the Pshat, I wanted to know what it meant
deeper than that, and more importantly what it meant for me. I don’t claim to
have found some secret meaning, but I will share some thoughts.
‘So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” – Bereishit/ Genesis 1:27
Adam had the ability to know HaShem’s heart because he was
made in God’s image. But Adam was created from the ground. When Adam broke
Adonai’s heart, Adonai could have killed him right then and there, but instead
He cursed the ground.

And man carried on living. And history went on. And Adonai
then chose a nation out of faithfulness to Avraham and Adonai gave them a land.
And that land was blessed and beautiful and if you don’t believe me go visit
Israel in spring, it will melt your heart with its beauty.
But according to the covenant HaShem made with Israel, if
they were obedient and followed in His ways, the land would be prosperous, but
if the people strayed from HaShem’s ways, then living there would be agony. And
you can read it time and time again throughout the Scriptures how the nation of
Israel struggled when they turned away from God. The very ground was mimicking them.
Acting just like them. They got to work it and see no reward.
There is a prophecy in Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 49 about Mashiach.
In verse 4 Mashiach says “I have toiled in vain…”
Yeshua is HaMashiach. Jesus is The Christ. The Anointed One.
He came as a promise to make a way back to HaShem, He is The Way back to
He is Adonai’s beloved Son in whom He is well pleased, yet
Adonai treated Him like He should have treated Adam. He allowed Yeshua to work
on people’s hearts as if it was soil, and at the end of all His labor, they
gave him thorns… literally. And as the Second Adam, He took the punishment for
all mankind. At the cross He ended it all. He made peace between us and
Adonai once more. And when He fulfilled His plan, Yeshua declared “It is
finished!” – No more Him working and getting no reward. Because all those that
believe in Him, are a new creation. A new type of ground. One that is not bound
to give back thorns and thistles but bare good fruits. And those that believe
in Him are known according to their fruits. Every time you bring forth fruit,
He sees the reward of His labor.
Bat Melech בת מלך
Cristina כריסטינה
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