If I would have enough wisdom to know all secrets and all knowledge but due to it I would start to doubt that Adonai IS, how would my knowledge benefit me?
How would it benefit me to know the speed of sound if I wouldn't understand that when nothingness heard the sound of Adonai's voice it started to come into shape? Why should I know that light travels with such speed that no common unit of measurement can be used to evaluate it the ordinary way, if I wouldn't understand that Adonai is the Light that shines in my darkness? Why should I know Earth's total mass if I wouldn't know that Adonai holds it in the palm of His hand? How would it be any use to me knowing that our galaxy alone has more than 200 billion stars, if I wouldn't understand that Adonai knows each and every one of them by name? How would it help me to have all wealth if I wouldn't know that it means nothing in Adonai's value system? How would it benefit me to have all strength and not know that His strength is made perfect in my weakness? Why should I fight for anything if I wouldn't know that He is Conqueror? Why should I breath if I wouldn't know the breath of life? Why should I know the anatomy of the human body if I wouldn't know that man was made in Adonai's image? Why should I know silence if I wouldn't know how to find Adonai in it? Why should I ever love if I wouldn't know that Love died and resurrected for my sake? Why should I even be if I wouldn't understand that above all things HE IS?
Should I glory in my wisdom? There are billions of things that I don't know in the seen world let alone in the unseen world, but I do know the One that made them both. I don't know any scientific fact of great importance, but I do know that Adonai is the One who exercises lovingkindness, justice, and righteousness, in the earth. Everything else in science is just an upgraded version of this statement.
Bat Melech בת מלך
Cristina כריסטינה